Windows 7 home screen provides the most interactive sidebar which can be used to reduce your efforts while using computers. Though, wrong selection of gadgets for these side bars increases the difficulty in handling computer, slows down the processor and even your home screen looks awkward. I suggest you 6 best all time used gadgets for your home screen.
Power Status
This gadget provides you the power information about your laptop/notebook. It also allows you to change the power profiles when needed. Thus ease of getting into control panel and changing the power profile in now done by single-click, that too at the home screen itself.
Click here to download : Power Status
Top 5
Which process gets to use the CPU much and How much CPU resources are being used for the particular process are clearly shown in this Top 5 gadget. It shows the process name and its CPU usage in % also with bits of memory allocated for that process.
Click here to download: Top 5
Network Traffic
You might want to know whether there is any active download or any stealth update underway. By installing Network Traffic gadget you can easily get to know the usage of internet. It shows the download speed and upload speed at the moment. It gives a good graphical interface any you are allowed to change to the interface which you need to be monitored.
Click here to download: Network Traffic
Magic folder
Downloading extensively from internet and storing in the desktop makes the home screen look awkward. Also storing them in a specific location then moving them according the categories is a tedious process. This can be made easy with the Magic Folder gadget. Whenever we drag a file into the that gadget the file is moved to any of the folders listed in libraries. Example: .Txt, .Doc files are moved to the My Documents folder. .Avi, .mp3 is moved to My Music folder. There is an option for you to set the watch folder so that any new item placed in the folder is watched and moved automatically to the respective libraries.
Click here to download: Magic Folder
Computer Status
This gadget gives you all the information about your computer. CPU usage, RAM usage, Drives free space and usage, Item in Recycle Bin with good animated interface. This gadget also has the ability to stream and play live radio station through internet. It gives you the button to empty recycle bin also you free to choose your favourite online radio stations. This is simply a multi-functional gadget.
Click here to download: Computer Status
Volume Control
Single click volume control gadget helps you to adjust your computer's volume right on your home screen itself. It's open the mixer when you double click on it where you can control the volume of the specific application. It helps adjust the volumes of the individual output devices though a 2.1 speaker system is connected to the system
Click here to download: Volume Control
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