Have you ever come around web pages containing more ads than the content? Certainly most of the people have encountered this situation as like me. Excess of ads decreases the attractiveness of the page and the contents looses it value.
But its never been a problem for reader like you and me. We never wanted to see the ads but focus only on the content. How good it will be if we have a extension which gives us only the content of a page without any ads. Text Only, Please! extension serves us for this need. It is a Google Chrome extension developed by Shankar Ganesh.
But its never been a problem for reader like you and me. We never wanted to see the ads but focus only on the content. How good it will be if we have a extension which gives us only the content of a page without any ads. Text Only, Please! extension serves us for this need. It is a Google Chrome extension developed by Shankar Ganesh.
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